Get Involved

Join Our Mission!

Submit a form to become a sponsor, a producer, or a volunteer.

Brief Overview

As a sponsor, you can help us achieve this season’s fundraising goal and help serve our beloved ranchers well.

If you are a producer, we’d love to hear from you! We’re excited to know what state you’re from, the breed of cattle you offer, how you butcher, and how you get the meat the way you need.

Volunteers are invaluable in helping bring the event live. Help us with event set-up, coordinating visitors during the event, running errands, and doing post-event clean up.

Sponsorship Options

Sirloin Sponsor: $500 – $1000

By choosing the Sirloin sponsorship, you’ll enjoy:

  • Exclusive pre-event and year-round social media marketing for your business.
  • Proud display of your business logo with a link to your website on our event website.
  • A 2024 Rendezvous City Beef Round-up SWAG Bag filled with exciting goodies, along with a cooler bag.
  • A commemorative 2024 Rendezvous City Beef Round-up poster featuring artwork by Mandy Frank.

New York Strip Sponsor: $1000 – $1500

With the New York Sponsorship, you’ll receive:

  • Exclusive pre-event and year-round social media marketing for your business.
  • Display of your business logo with a link to your website on our event website.
  • 1 VIP ticket to the evening dinner and Best Beef in Wyoming competition judging, including 1 free drink ticket.
  • A 2024 Rendezvous City Beef Round-up SWAG Bag packed with exciting items, along with a cooler bag.
  • A commemorative 2024 Rendezvous City Beef Round-up poster featuring artwork by Mandy Frank.

T-Bone Sponsor: $1500

With the T-Bone Sponsorship, you’ll enjoy:

  • Exclusive pre-event and year-round social media marketing for your business.
  • Proud display of your business logo with a link to your website on our event website.
  • 2 VIP tickets to the evening dinner and judging of the Best Beef in Wyoming competition, including 1 free drink ticket per ticket holder.
  • A 2024 Rendezvous City Beef Round-up SWAG Bag filled with exciting items, along with a cooler bag.
  • A commemorative 2024 Rendezvous City Beef Round-up poster featuring artwork by Mandy Frank.
  • Opportunity to script a company greeting, mission statement, etc., for the VIP dinner program.


With the Porterhouse Sponsorship, you will receive:

  • T-Bone Sponsorship perks plus;
  • 2 additional VIP tickets to participate in the evening dinner
    and judging of the Best Beef in Wyoming competition;
    including 4 free drink tickets
  • A pack of 4 custom glasses to use and keep at the dinner
  • Your businesses Banner hung in the arena or at the event 


With the Ribeye Sponsorship, you will receive:

  • Porterhouse Sponsorship perks, plus;
  • 4 additional VIP tickets to participate in the evening dinner
    and judging of the Best Beef in Wyoming competition;
    including 6 free drink tickets
  • A pack of 6 custom glasses to use and keep at the dinner
  • One of the daytime events named in honor of your
    business (wine tasting, beer tasting, classroom education,
    guest speaking, ect.,)


With the Filet Mignon Sponsorship, you will receive:

  • Ribeye Sponsorship perks, plus;
  • 4 additional VIP tickets to participate in the evening dinner
    and judging of the Best Beef in Wyoming competition;
    including 8 free drink tickets
  • A pack of 8 custom glasses to use and keep at the dinner
  • A Custom Cutting Board to take home from the dinner
  • Event name change to the:

“Sponsor Name” Best Beef in Wyoming

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